(Update 1) CMVR RULES 100 FOR 2019

The Safety Glazing Rule IS 2553 (Part 2)

is followed by Amended CMVR Rules PAINTGUARD Safety Glazing Film.


How the safety glazing requirement is followed by Paintguard

Paintguard’s Safety Glazing Material has undergone successful testing and is compliant with CMV Rule 100 (2), (3), and (3A) as well as IS 2553 (Part 2) (Revision 1): 2019 updated regulations.

Paintguard Paint Protection Film PPF

For the rear glasses and windscreen

Every motor vehicle must have safety glass or glazing in the windscreen and rear window built to provide at least 70% visual transmission of light. It must also comply with Standards IS 2553 (Part 2) (Revision 1): 2019 as modified occasionally.

For Glasses on the Side

Every motor vehicle must have safety glass or glazing in the windscreen and rear window built to provide at least 70% visual transmission of light. It must also comply with Standards IS 2553 (Part 2) (Revision 1): 2019 as modified occasionally.

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